
Posts Tagged ‘success’

When were small kids, even before we could use our words, we all grasped the concept of “mine.” Mine needed no complete sentence. It was a complete sentence, and sometimes all that needed to be said.

Somewhere in our little perception we learned to see, and grasp, that we were missing something. Either we saw another sibling, or kid, have something we did not. We learned at an early age to notice what we did not have, rather than what we did. We developed a sense of missing.

We learn at a very early age the art of comparison.

As kids, we learned to say,  “hey!” when it came to comparing our “halves” with our siblings, as well as different priviledges they may have received. There was a sense of a “not fair” response that surfaced.

We mature with the perspective that we are owed fair; we are owed equal to those around us.

Andy Stanley defines comparison as “the person we look to, to determine whether or not we are doing ok.

We all have a bar to determine where we are on the “doing ok” scale. We look to the left and right and measure how we are doing. That makes for a messy life. Honestly, I think it makes for a frustrating life.

There is no way to get a head in comparison. There is no satisfaction or contentment in only focusing on what you don’t have.

The truth is that God has made us all unique. You and I have are tailor made. God has designed us to do, think, and feel, in a way unique to just us. I am the only one who can offer what He has created in me to offer.

Our lives are tailor made.

As long as we spend time looking around and comparing ourselves to that of what other’s “have,” we prolong the things He has for us.

In some ways I feel like Monday’s are the New Year’s day of the week. We all start out on Monday with the hopes and mindsets of “this week I’m going to……” We start each week a new.

What if this week, you celebrated the ways God has designed other people, and spent more time offering what only you can offer?

What would our week look like if stopped comparing our lives with others?

You are tailor made. No one compares to you in HIS eyes.

How can you celebrate someone else this week?

In what ways can you offer what only you can?

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